Obex (v0.1)

::obex::coreTop, Main, Index

The obex::core namespace contains the low level commands implementing the OBEX protocol. Their use is not recommended without detailed knowledge of the protocol. The classes and commands in the other obex namespaces should be used instead.

Commandscore, Top, Main, Index

header [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

A command ensemble.

header subcommand ...

The ensemble supports the following subcommands:

decodeDecodes a single binary OBEX header within a packet.
decodenDecodes binary OBEX headers within a packet.
encodeEncodes a single OBEX header.
encodenEncodes multiple OBEX headers.
findGets the value of a header from a list of decoded OBEX headers.
findallGets the values of headers with a given name in list of decoded OBEX headers.

Refer to the documentation of each subcommand for details.

header decode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Decodes a single binary OBEX header within a packet.

header decode bytes start
bytesBinary string containing a header.
startOffset into $bytes where the header starts.
Return value

Returns a pair consisting of the header name and value.

proc ::obex::core::header::decode {bytes start} {

    # Decodes a single binary OBEX header within a packet.
    #  bytes - Binary string containing a header.
    #  start - Offset into $bytes where the header starts.
    # Returns a pair consisting of the [header name][OBEX headers]
    # and value.
    return [lrange [DecodeFirst $bytes $start] 0 1]
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

header decoden [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Decodes binary OBEX headers within a packet.

header decoden bytes start
bytesBinary string containing headers.
startOffset into $bytes where the headers start.
Return value

Returns a list of headers as dictionaries with header names as keys.

proc ::obex::core::header::decoden {bytes start} {

    # Decodes binary OBEX headers within a packet.
    #  bytes - Binary string containing headers.
    #  start - Offset into $bytes where the headers start.
    # Returns a list of headers as dictionaries with
    # [header names][OBEX headers] as keys.
    set nbytes [string length $bytes]
    set headers {}
    while {$start < $nbytes} {
        lassign [DecodeFirst $bytes $start] name value start
        lappend headers $name $value
    return $headers
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

header encode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Encodes a single OBEX header.

header encode header_name header_value
header_nameThe header identifier name.
header_valueThe value to encode. For binary header types, it is caller's responsibility to pass this as a proper binary string.
Return value

Returns the encoded header binary string.

proc ::obex::core::header::encode {header_name header_value} {

    # Encodes a single OBEX header.
    #  header_name - The [header identifier][::obex::OBEX headers] name.
    #  header_value - The value to encode. For binary header types, it is
    #    caller's responsibility to pass this as a proper binary string.
    # Returns the encoded header binary string.
    set hi [Id $header_name]
    # Top 2 bits encode data type
    switch -exact -- [expr {$hi >> 6}] {
        0 {
            # Encode as big-endian unicode
            set unicode_be [ToUnicodeBE $header_value]
            # Add a length field where the length includes 3 bytes for Header byte
            # and 2 bytes for length, and the 2 bytes for terminating Unicode null.
            set hlen [expr {3+[string length $unicode_be]+2}]
            append encoded [binary format cS $hi $hlen] $unicode_be "\0\0"
            return $encoded
        1 {
            # Just an array of bytes. Caller has to ensure that is what it  is.
            set hlen [expr {3 + [string length $header_value]}]
            append encoded [binary format cS $hi $hlen] $header_value
            return $encoded
        2 {
            # Single byte. Always room since space_left check at top
            return [binary format cc $hi $header_value]
        3 {
            # Big endian 4 bytes
            return [binary format cI $hi $header_value]
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

header encoden [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Encodes multiple OBEX headers.

header encoden ?args?
argsAlternating list of header names and values. This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form. For binary header types, it is caller's responsibility to pass the values as a proper binary string.
Return value

Returns the encoded headers as a list of binary strings.

proc ::obex::core::header::encoden {args} {

    # Encodes multiple OBEX headers.
    #  args - Alternating list of [header names][OBEX headers] and values.
    #    This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form.
    #    For binary header types, it is
    #    caller's responsibility to pass the values as a proper binary string.
    # Returns the encoded headers as a list of binary strings.
    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
        set args [lindex $args 0]
    set headers {}
    foreach {name value} $args {
        lappend headers [encode $name $value]
    return $headers
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

header find [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Gets the value of a header from a list of decoded OBEX headers.

header find headers header_name outvar
headersList of decoded OBEX headers.
header_nameHeader name to retrieve.
outvarName of variable in caller's context where to store the header value.

If multiple headers of the same name exist, returns the value of the first in the list.

Return value

Returns 1 if the header is found and stores its value in $outvar; otherwise returns 0.

proc ::obex::core::header::find {headers header_name outvar} {

    # Gets the value of a header from a list of decoded OBEX headers.
    #  headers - list of decoded OBEX headers.
    #  header_name - [Header name][OBEX headers] to retrieve.
    #  outvar - Name of variable in caller's context where to store
    #   the header value.
    # If multiple headers of the same name exist, returns the value of
    # the first in the list.
    # Returns 1 if the header is found and stores its value in $outvar;
    # otherwise returns 0.
    foreach {name val} $headers {
        if {[string equal -nocase $header_name $name]} {
            upvar 1 $outvar v
            set v $val
            return 1
    return 0
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

header findall [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Gets the values of headers with a given name in list of decoded OBEX headers

header findall headers header_name
headersList of decoded OBEX headers.
header_nameHeader name to retrieve.
Return value

Returns the list of values from headers that matched $header_name.

proc ::obex::core::header::findall {headers header_name} {

    # Gets the values of headers with a given name in list of
    # decoded OBEX headers
    #  headers - list of decoded OBEX headers.
    #  header_name - [Header name][OBEX headers] to retrieve.
    # Returns the list of values from headers that matched $header_name.
    return [lmap {name val} $headers {
        if {![string equal -nocase $header_name $name]} {
        set val
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

packet [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

A command ensemble.

packet subcommand ...

The ensemble supports the following subcommands:

completeReturns 1 if $packet is a complete Obex packet and 0 otherwise.
lengthGet the length of a packet.

Refer to the documentation of each subcommand for details.

packet complete [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Returns 1 if $packet is a complete Obex packet and 0 otherwise.

packet complete packet
packetAn OBEX packet or fragment.
Return value

Returns 1 if $packet is a complete Obex packet and 0 otherwise.

proc ::obex::core::packet::complete {packet} {

    # Returns 1 if $packet is a complete Obex packet and 0 otherwise.
    #  packet - an OBEX packet or fragment.
    if {[binary scan $packet xSu -> len] != 1} {
        return 0
    return [expr {$len <= [string length $packet]}]
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

packet length [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Get the length of a packet.

packet length packet
packetAn OBEX packet or the initial fragment of one with at least three bytes.
Return value

Returns the packet length as encoded in its header or 0 if the passed fragment is too short to contain a length field.

proc ::obex::core::packet::length {packet} {

    # Get the length of a packet.
    #  packet - an OBEX packet or the initial fragment of one with
    #           at least three bytes.
    # Returns the packet length as encoded in its header or 0 if the passed
    # fragment is too short to contain a length field.

    if {[binary scan $packet xSu len] != 1} {
        return 0
    return $len
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

parameters [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

A command ensemble.

parameters subcommand ...

The ensemble supports the following subcommands:

decodeDecodes a AppParameters header value.

Refer to the documentation of each subcommand for details.

parameters decode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Decodes a AppParameters header value.

parameters decode bytes
bytesBinary containing the header value.
Return value

Returns a list of containg the integer application parameter tag alternating with the corresponding binary string value.

proc ::obex::core::parameters::decode {bytes} {

    # Decodes a [AppParameters][OBEX headers] header value.
    #  bytes - binary containing the header value
    # Returns a list of containg the integer application parameter
    # tag alternating with the corresponding binary string value.
    set nbytes [string length $bytes]
    set params {}
    set start 0
    while {$start < $nbytes} {
        lassign [DecodeFirst $bytes $start] tag value start
        lappend params $tag $value
    return $params
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

request [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

A command ensemble.

request subcommand ...

The ensemble supports the following subcommands:

decodeDecodes an OBEX request packet received from a client.
encodeEncodes an OBEX request.
encode_setpathEncodes a setpath OBEX request.

Refer to the documentation of each subcommand for details.

request decode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Decodes an OBEX request packet received from a client.

request decode packet outvar
packetBinary OBEX packet.
outvarName of variable in caller's context where the decoded packet is to be stored.

If $packet contains a complete OBEX packet, the command stores the decoded packet in the variable names $outvar in the caller's context. The value is in the form of a dictionary with the following keys:

PacketLengthLength of packet.
OpCodeNumeric request opcode.
OpNameMnemonic opcode name.
Final1/0 depending on whether the final bit was set in the request opcode or not.
HeadersList of headers received in the packet.

In case the packet was a connect request, the dictionary also contains the following keys:

FlagsAlways 0 for OBEX 1.0.
MaxLengthMaximum length OBEX packet length the server can receive.
MajorVersionThe OBEX protocol major version returned by server.
MinorVersionThe OBEX protocol minor version returned by server.

In case the packet was a setpath request, the dictionary also contains the following keys:

FlagsThe flags field from the request.
ConstantsThe constants field from the request.
Return value

Returns 1 if the packet was decoded or 0 if it is incomplete.

proc ::obex::core::request::decode {packet outvar} {

    # Decodes an OBEX request packet received from a client.
    #  packet - Binary OBEX packet.
    #  outvar - name of variable in caller's context where the decoded packet
    #    is to be stored.
    # If $packet contains a complete OBEX packet, the command stores the
    # decoded packet in the variable names $outvar in the caller's context.
    # The value is in the form of a dictionary with the following keys:
    #  PacketLength - Length of packet.
    #  OpCode       - Numeric request opcode.
    #  OpName       - Mnemonic opcode name.
    #  Final        - 1/0 depending on whether the `final` bit was set
    #                 in the request opcode or not.
    #  Headers      - List of headers received in the packet.
    # In case the packet was a `connect` request, the dictionary also
    # contains the following keys:
    #  Flags        - Always 0 for OBEX 1.0
    #  MaxLength    - Maximum length OBEX packet length the server can
    #                 receive.
    #  MajorVersion - The OBEX protocol major version returned by server.
    #  MinorVersion - The OBEX protocol minor version returned by server.
    # In case the packet was a `setpath` request, the dictionary also
    # contains the following keys:
    #  Flags        - The flags field from the request.
    #  Constants    - The constants field from the request.
    # Returns 1 if the packet was decoded or 0 if it is incomplete.
    upvar 1 $outvar decoded_packet
    if {[binary scan $packet cuSu op len] != 2 ||
        $len > [string length $packet]} {
        return 0
    if {$op == 0x80} {
        # CONNECT request
        # Packet is opcode 0x80, 2 bytes length, version (1.0->0x10),
        # flags (0), 2 bytes max len followed by headers
        if {[binary scan $packet x3cucuSu version flags maxlen] != 3} {
            return 0
        set decoded_packet [list  PacketLength $len  OpCode $op  Final  [expr {($op & 0x80) == 0x80}]  OpName [OpName $op]  MajorVersion [expr {$version >> 4}]  MinorVersion [expr {$version & 0xf}]  Flags  $flags  MaxLength $maxlen  Headers [header decoden $packet 7]  ]
    } elseif {$op == 0x87} {
        # SETPATH request
        if {[binary scan $packet x3cucu flags constants] != 2} {
            return 0
        set decoded_packet [list  PacketLength $len  OpCode $op  Final  [expr {($op & 0x80) == 0x80}]  OpName [OpName $op]  Flags  $flags  Constants $constants  Headers [header decoden $packet 5]  ]
    } else {
        set decoded_packet [list  PacketLength $len  OpCode $op  OpName [OpName $op]  Final  [expr {($op & 0x80) == 0x80}]  Headers [header decoden $packet 3]  ]
    return 1
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

request encode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Encodes an OBEX request.

request encode op ?args?
opA numeric request opcode or a opcode mnemonic.
argsAlternating list of header names and values. This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form.

Encodes a OBEX packet containing the specified opcode and headers. No length checks are made and caller is responsible for ensuring the generated packet length does not exceed the maximum packet size for the OBEX connection.

Return value

Returns the encoded packet.

proc ::obex::core::request::encode {op args} {

    # Encodes an OBEX request.
    #  op - A numeric request opcode or a opcode [mnemonic][OBEX operations].
    #  args - Alternating list of [header names][OBEX headers] and values.
    #    This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form.
    # Encodes a OBEX packet containing the specified opcode and headers.
    # No length checks are made and caller is responsible for ensuring the
    # generated packet length does not exceed the maximum packet size
    # for the OBEX connection.
    # Returns the encoded packet.
    set op [OpCode $op]
    if {$op == 0x80} {
        return [EncodeConnect {*}$args]
    } elseif {$op == 0x87} {
        return [encode_setpath 0 0 {*}$args]
    # Generic request encoder
    set headers [join [header encoden {*}$args] ""]
    # Packet is opcode, 2 bytes length, followed by headers
    set len [expr {3+[string length $headers]}]
    append packet [binary format cSu $op $len] $headers
    return $packet
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

request encode_setpath [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Encodes a setpath OBEX request.

request encode_setpath flags constants ?args?
flagsNumeric value to send for the flags field in the setpath request.
constantsNumeric value to send for the constants field in the request.
argsAlternating list of header names and values. This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form.

This command can be used in lieu of the request encode command when the setpath request needs to include values for the flags or constants fields.

No length checks are made and caller is responsible for ensuring the generated packet length does not exceed the maximum packet size for the OBEX connection.

Return value

Returns an encoded OBEX setpath request packet.

proc ::obex::core::request::encode_setpath {flags constants args} {

    # Encodes a `setpath` OBEX request.
    #  flags - Numeric value to send for the flags field in the `setpath`
    #    request.
    #  constants - Numeric value to send for the constants field in the request
    #  args - Alternating list of [header names][OBEX headers] and values.
    #    This may also be provided as a single argument of the same form.
    # This command can be used in lieu of the [request encode] command when the
    # `setpath` request needs to include values for the `flags` or `constants`
    # fields.
    # No length checks are made and caller is responsible for ensuring the
    # generated packet length does not exceed the maximum packet size
    # for the OBEX connection.
    # Returns an encoded OBEX `setpath` request packet.

    set headers [join [header encoden {*}$args] ""]
    # Packet is opcode 0x85, 2 bytes length,
    # flags, constants, # followed by headers
    set len [expr {5+[string length $headers]}]
    append packet [binary format cuSucucu 0x85 $len flags constants] $headers
    return $packet
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.

response [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

A command ensemble.

response subcommand ...

The ensemble supports the following subcommands:

decodeDecodes a response packet.

Refer to the documentation of each subcommand for details.

response decode [::obex::core]core, Top, Main, Index

Decodes a response packet.

response decode packet request_op outvar
packetBinary OBEX packet.
request_opThe request opcode corresponding to this response.
outvarName of variable in caller's context where the decoded packet is to be stored.

The dictionary stored in $outvar has the following keys:

PacketLengthLength of packet.
Final1/0 depending on whether the final bit was set in the response operation code or not.
HeadersList of headers received in the packet.
ResponseStatusThe general status category.
ResponseCodeThe numeric response status code from server.

In case the response was for a connect request, the dictionary also contains the following keys:

FlagsAs returned by serve. Always 0 for OBEX 1.0.
MaxLengthMaximum length OBEX packet length the server can receive.
MajorVersionThe OBEX protocol major version returned by server.
MinorVersionThe OBEX protocol minor version returned by server.
Return value

Returns 1 if the packet was decoded or 0 if it is incomplete.

proc ::obex::core::response::decode {packet request_op outvar} {

    # Decodes a response packet.
    #  packet - Binary OBEX packet.
    #  request_op - The request opcode corresponding to this response.
    #  outvar - name of variable in caller's context where the decoded packet
    #    is to be stored.
    # The dictionary stored in $outvar has the following keys:
    #  PacketLength       - Length of packet.
    #  Final        - 1/0 depending on whether the `final` bit was set
    #                 in the response operation code or not.
    #  Headers      - List of headers received in the packet.
    #  ResponseStatus       - The general status category.
    #  ResponseCode   - The numeric response status code from server.
    # In case the response was for a `connect` request, the dictionary also
    # contains the following keys:
    #  Flags        - As returned by serve. Always 0 for OBEX 1.0
    #  MaxLength    - Maximum length OBEX packet length the server can
    #                 receive.
    #  MajorVersion - The OBEX protocol major version returned by server.
    #  MinorVersion - The OBEX protocol minor version returned by server.
    # Returns 1 if the packet was decoded or 0 if it is incomplete.

    # TBD - do we need to check for ABORT packet as well?

    if {[binary scan $packet cuSu status len] != 2 ||
        $len > [string length $packet]} {
        return 0

    upvar 1 $outvar decoded_packet

    set request_op [request::OpCode $request_op]
    if {$request_op == 0x80} {
        return [DecodeConnect $packet decoded_packet]

    set decoded_packet [list  PacketLength     $len  ResponseCode $status  ResponseStatus   [ResponseStatus $status]  Final      [expr {($status & 0x80) == 0x80}]  Headers    [header decoden $packet 3]  ]
    return 1
# NOTE: showing source of procedure implementing ensemble subcommand.